Page Links vs Tags in Logseq

If you’re anything like most people who first come to [[Logseq]], you may be wondering what’s the difference between a [[page link]] and a #tag Truth be told, the difference is primarily visual. For the most part, they are both the exact same in functionality. They both link to another page. If you click one it will take you to another page and both will appear on the linked references of that page as well....

May 9, 2022 · 4 min · Aryan Sawhney

The Ultimate Guide to Aliases in Logseq

Aliases are a very powerful feature in logseq and can be used for a variety of workflows. This article will be divided into two parts: What is an Alias and How to use Aliases. Let’s jump right in! What are aliases? Let’s dive right in! First and foremost, what is an alias? At it’s core, an alias is essentially a way to refer to something, be it a page link or a block reference, using another term....

May 6, 2022 · 3 min · Aryan Sawhney